Escape the Sea Grotto

An evil mermaid has stolen royal jewels and hidden it in her sea grotto. Your scuba team has been tasked with finding the treasure before war breaks out between the humans and mermaids of Atlantis. Your time has come, the villain has been spotted an hour way and you have one hour of oxygen to retrieve the jewels. Good luck, hopefully you survive.
[2-8 players]

Wizard’s Tower

An eccentric wizard has built his tower in your peaceful village. Seemingly overnight, evil tendrils spread from the tower, sapping life from the plants and forming cracks in houses and roofs. Village gossips report the wizard was just seen teleporting away from his tower without his wand. In an emergency meeting, you’ve been voluntold by the village elders to be brave, sneak into the tower, and steal the wizards wand before he returns. This will break his curse. But be warned, there are bound to be magical traps and puzzles to protect his source of power.
[2-8 players]